Much-Afraid lives in the Valley of Fear with her Fearing relatives, but serves the Chief Shepherd who lives on the High Places. After her relatives try to force Much-Afraid to marry her cousin, Craven-Fear, the Chief Shepherd offers to take Much-Afraid to the High Places where she will receive hind's feet to replace her crooked ones and will be safe from the Fearings. Thus begins Much-Afraid's journey. With the companions Sorrow and Suffering to guide her, Much-Afraid follows the path the Shepherd shows her. In every struggle, from crossing the desert to scaling cliffs to being tempted to turn back by Pride, Bitterness, Self-Pity, Craven-Fear and others, Much-Afraid has only to call upon the Shepherd and he is beside her at once, ever loving and understanding. Through the difficult journey Much-Afraid learns many lessons which are true for us as well.
The highest; pride, fear and that crowd are shown to be wrong and sinful, and faith, love, humility and all of that to be the most desirable things to attain.
Spiritual Content
The story is allegorical, thus the Chief Shepherd is like Jesus and the journey that Much-Afraid travels signified the Christian's life.
Much-Afraid gets hurt on many occasions, but never seriously. Pride gets tossed over a cliff into the sea but swims to shore.
Drug and Alcohol Content
Sexual Content
Much-Afraid's relatives attempt to force her into a marriage with Pride.
Crude or Profane Language or Content
This is a wonderful book about spiritual growth seen very well through Much-Afraid and the Chief Shepherd. I could sympathize so much with Much-Afraid and see so many reflections from my own life. The lessons she learned are ones we all need to and the Shepherd's words are true for us as well.