
The Bones of Makaidos

by Bryan Davis
Series: Oracles of Fire #4
674 pages, Fantasy
Reviewed by the_narniac

A great, Christian fantasy , good for all fantasy lovers no matter the age.


(Oracles of Fire is the sequel series to Dragons in Our Midst)

A wall of fire protects the inexperienced villagers of Second Eden from an evil that threatens the entire cosmos. As all the dragons mount for an attack, an evil dragon leads foes from times past, but will the villagers and the heroes from the Dragons in Our Midst series be able to hold their ground and persevere?
With mysteries abounding and an ultimate battle looming, every decision could mean the difference between survival and catastrophe, and only a prophesied sacrifice can stop the onslaught of evil by bringing the King of the dragons back to life. But who will be willing to be the lamb?


Good always prevails, and bad suffers the consequences. A good character loses her life to save another.

Spiritual Content

Second Eden is another dimension. The founder of this land was the very first dragon named Arramos in our world who died in the flood. Because Second Eden was being created, the dragon was then created into a human and placed in Second Eden and his name changed to Abraham. The author isn't trying to make people believe that alternate dimensions really exist nor that reincarnation is real.


If someone shed an Oracle of Fire's blood, that person will die instantly.

There is a massive battle held in this book. So expect sword fights, archers, and dragons with their fire. But nothing is described in excessive gore.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content

None. The "Oh God" and "Thank God" phrases are all sincere two-word prayers.


A very enjoyable, action-filled and suspenseful climax to the Oracles of Fire series. It provides a good substitute for fantasy lovers who don't want to read novels featuring magic and sorcery. Note, however, that readers should show caution regarding the author's anthropomorphizing of dragons - see Editor's Notes for the Dragons in Our Midst series.

Fun Score: 4.5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 13+

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