

by Mary Casanova
Series: Girls of Many Lands #2
179 pages, Historical Fiction
Reviewed by kribbie12

Very enjoyable book with good themes and historical background.


Cecile Revel starts out as a peasant in France who has a dream of life at court. When she has a chance to live her dream, she jumps at it...but doesn't realize what she is leaving behind. When she first gets to the palace, she feels she is living a fairy tale. Awhile later, she sees that her life as a peasant was much better than life at court. But with the tragic things that are beginning to happen, Cecile begins to wonder if all this will ever end.


There are no moral issues to speak of. Contentment is a major theme.

Spiritual Content

Cecile and other people in the book attend church. People speak of God a number of times throughout the book.


A woman is poisoned and another sprains her arm. A little boy is bled in an old medical treatment, it is intended to make him better.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



'Cecile: Gates of Gold' is a very well-written, believable book. It paints a good picture of the court of the French kings in the 1700s and also has a good theme - contentment. I would recommend it heartily.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 11-12

Review Rating:

Average rating: 5 stars
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