
Animal Farm

by George Orwell
139 pages, General Fiction
Reviewed by Freckle

Interesting read, but bad morals and some violence.


Old Major, Mr. Jones's best hog, is the last one to remember the old animal dream to free themselves from human control. That is, until he tells the entire farm about it, and they begin to work toward that goal.


Somewhat twisted. Good and bad are mixed, portraying an animal as a hero in one part, and then having the animals convinced by the pigs that that "hero" was on the human's side, and that everything bad that is happening is his fault. There is a lot of lying, as well. While the animals start out by abiding strictly to their seven commandments, they quickly abandoned them.

Spiritual Content

Very little. There is no mention of any gods, or of praying. They do have seven commandments that they keep to so that the days don't go back to what they were like with Mr. Jones. They also meet every Sunday morning to sing "Beasts of England" and plan for the next week. They rest on Sunday as well.


Quite a bit. There are battles in which people and animals get killed, and the crushing of skulls and other such things are described a bit too colorfully. A pig is shot and wounded. Another pig is chased out by dogs that are trying to kill it. There is a mass slaughter of animals that have falsely confessed to committing crimes, and it is described in detail.

Drug and Alcohol Content

It is mentioned that Mr. Jones had beer and is drunk, and near the end there are experiments with brewing and drinking ale and beer. Men and pigs drink beer at the end.

Sexual Content

There are mentions of cows and horses giving birth.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

I don't recall any swearing, but a pig urinates on drawings, and a pig falsely confesses to urinating in the water supply.


It was an interesting read, but not particularly gripping; some people also might not like the style of writing. It is a satire of communism, which makes for a truly different (if somewhat bleak) story. The violence was fairly colorful and the morality questionable.

Fun Score: 3.5
Values Score: 2.5
Written for Age: 13+

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