

by Mary Christner Borntrager
Series: Ellie's People #3
155 pages, General Fiction
Reviewed by Ariel_of_Narnia

Rachel is a girl of good character and her bubbly personality is filled with a desire to please God.


James and Rebecca Miller are back from their seven-year-long missions trip. Their youngest, Rachel, spends the next ten years spending time with her cousins, new friends, and grandparents. As she grows older, she is more and more convinced that the Amish lifestyle is the way for her.


Rachel loves her family very much and is a willing helper. She is obedient and very quick to amend her ways when approached. Even though her brothers and sister don't understand why she wants to be Amish, they accept her decision and support her.

In their young days, Rachel's two boy cousins try to discourage her from constantly following them around by tricking her into doing things. These are corrected and the boys are glad of her company later on.

Spiritual Content

Both Amish and Mennonites worship the Lord sincerely, even though there are some differences of belief when it comes to material things (eg: cars, electricity, "fancy" clothing). Both groups wish to please the Lord with their lives. Like her mother before her, Rachel figures that so long as she serves the Lord with all her heart, it does not matter which church she ends up holding to. A few times, it is said that James and Rebecca are considering a return to the Amish family; while they want to, they want to be sure before a decision and give it lots of prayerful thought. There are plenty of prayers, hymn-singings, and faith-based lessons. Amish baptism combines a confession of faith in Jesus Christ and church membership.


Nothing of consequence. A cow doesn't like the feel of a boy's fingernails on her udder, so she kicks him twice (he is not much harmed); he gets upset at her and hits her with a strap. The cause of the cow's reaction is explained and the boy's actions are scolded.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content

None; Amish boys pursue girls appropriately.

Crude or Profane Language or Content



"Rachel" is the next logical step in the series and she holds to everything "Ellie" and "Rebecca" do, covering ten years in the life of a Mennonite girl who admires the lifestyle of the Amish and desiring to follow the Lord and submit to His leading.

Note from the Editor: Readers, or the parents of readers, should probably also research the doctrines of the Amish and Mennonite communities while reading this series to be clear on what they teach.

Fun Score: 4.5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 11-12

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