
The Refugees: A Tale of Two Continents

by Arthur Conan Doyle
368 pages, Historical Fiction
Reviewed by Ariel_of_Narnia

Increasing amounts of non-graphic violence, but an interesting-enough read.


Two beautiful, influential women battle for the affections of Louis XIV. The conflict between the Catholics and the Huguenots increases. A Huguenot family of three flee to Canada with hopes for religious freedom.


Right is right and wrong is wrong, though the question of right and wrong is brought up in some cases. The Huguenot/Protestant characters strive to do the right thing.

Spiritual Content

As mentioned, there is conflict between the Catholics and the Huguenots. As such, the beliefs of each are brought up, some Catholic proceedings take place, the effects of persecution are definitely evident, missionaries are sent out, Scriptures are quoted, Biblical terms are applied to the times, etc.


Death threats, threats of injury, brawlings, shootings, stabbings, head-shots, a couple scalpings, battle casualties, some blood drawn, a drowning, evidence of Indian cruelty. Two people consider suicide. Saddles are dangerously tampered with. Horses are tripped. Two men bear the marks of torture. Screams of tortured women are heard. A ship hits an iceberg with some unfortunate results. A survival story involving a shark is told. Despite how much violence is involved, none of it is explicit.

Drug and Alcohol Content

Some smoking and wine-drinking. Sailors chew tobacco.

Sexual Content

Louis XIV, it is noted, has only one legitimate son. He has a mistress (who is a married woman) from whom his affections wander and he takes a second wife. It's mentioned that another woman was nearly embraced by a man in "drunken love".
Twice, naked corpses are seen, but nothing is explicit.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

One man goes by the name of the "Flemish Bas****".


Though the going is a little slow at times, this is a very interesting story describing the struggles of the Huguenots both in France and in the New World. The characters are well-portrayed and the plot and settings are based on historical events and facts.

Fun Score: 3.5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 11-12

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