
A Wind in the Door

by Madeleine L'Engle
Series: The Time Quintet #2
224 pages, Science Fiction
Reviewed by Jeanne

Good read, some weak theology.


Charles Wallace is having trouble adapting to the environment of his school, and still worse, there is now something terribly wrong with the farandolae in his cells. In an attempt to save her young brother's life, Meg is sent with two friends and a cherubim to Charles Wallace's farandolae to fight the disease that is attacking him.


The story is a 'good against evil' tale, and the good and evil sides are clearly separated.

Spiritual Content

The creature that accompanies Meg is known as a cherubim, and once again the story is based on a loose Christian foundation with references to Evolution. This story has less of the pagan undertones that the following books of the Time Quintet do, and the only real issue comes with the acceptance of Evolutionism.


Charles Wallace is beat up by the school bullies at the beginning and his bruised face is mentioned. It is made clear that if the disease continues in Charles Wallace's body, he will die.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



This book is a good read and a very original science fantasy. It's easy to follow the plot line and the characters develop well. However, there aren't as many references to the first book, A Wrinkle in Time, as one might expect, and Meg's character isn't what it was at the end of the first story. All in all, the story was good but a bit too unconnected from the rest of the series for my taste.

Fun Score: 4.5
Values Score: 4
Written for Age: 11-12

Review Rating:

Average rating: 5 stars
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Jeanne This review is brought to you by Jeanne.
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