
Mr. Pipes Comes to America

by Douglas Bond
Series: Mr. Pipes #3
193 pages, Religion
Reviewed by Nienna

Interesting, informative and amusing read.


Mr. Pipes, along with his very British friend Dr. Dudley, travels to America to visit his friends, siblings Anna and Drew, for the Christmas holidays. While there, the children and men visit many historical sites as Mr. Pipes teaches them about ten different historical American hymn writers.


Very good.

Spiritual Content

Mr. Pipes and the children are Christians and most of their conversations are on the topic of God and Christian hymns.


Slavery is discussed and the American War of Independence, as well as some tragedies related to the writing of certain hymns. A character breaks his leg.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content

Dr. Dudley calls the children "blighters" in a moment of frustration and uses such phrases such as "dash it all."


Though I do not agree with all of Mr. Pipes' statements and conclusions, I did benefit from reading this book as many of their discussions are very thought-provoking and it is filled with beautiful, godly poems. Dr. Dudley valiantly keeps the book from getting dry by being very humourous and there are enough mentions of food to please anyone with C.S. Lewis' taste in that matter. It teaches the readers to appreciate hymns and look for meaning and edification in the words.

Fun Score: 4
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 13+

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