
Author Spotlight

Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known by his nom de plume Lewis Carroll, was a kind of jack-of-all-trades. Irish by descent, he was a deacon, an author, a mathematician, a logician, and a photographer. He was a brilliant scholar, reading The Pilgrim’s Progress at the age of seven and excelling through academia with ease. From a young age he wrote literature, such as poetry and short stories, and contributed a fair amount to the family magazine. He was good friends with such authors as George MacDonald, and was enjoyed by such people as Queen Victoria herself. He is best known for his works in the genre of ‘literary nonsense,’ such as Alice’s stories. Though odd and sometimes logic-defying, his books continue to be loved throughout the world.

Books by Lewis Carroll

Book Fun Values Age
Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll Great Fairly Clean 11-12
Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll Great Fairly Clean 11-12
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