
Author Spotlight

Elizabeth Yates (1905-2001)
Award-winning author Elizabeth Yates was born in Buffalo, New York, the sixth of seven children born to Harry and Mary Yates. Growing up on a farm, the love of land that appears in many of her stories came early to her. She was also encouraged in her love of reading by her mother's practice of reading aloud to the children, and began writing at an early age. After graduating from Franklin School in 1924, she first attended a private school, Oaksmere, then moved to Manhattan, where she began writing professionally. Soon afterwards she married William McGreal, and the couple resided in England for the next decade; it was here that Yates' first novel, "High Holiday," was published. After they returned to the States and settled on a New Hampshire farm, Yates continued writing; by the turn of the century, she had published over twenty books. Of these a number have won awards, but the most popular by far is the Newberry Medal-winning "Amos Fortune, Free Man." Yates also published a three-volume autobiography in the 1980s.

Books by Elizabeth Yates

Book Fun Values Age
Amos Fortune: Free Man by Elizabeth Yates Great Clean 8-10
Carolina's Courage by Elizabeth Yates Good Clean 8-10
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