
Author Spotlight

Elizabeth Prentiss (1818-1878)
American author Elizabeth Prentiss, most popular for her book "Stepping Heavenward," was born Elizabeth Payson in Portland, Maine, on 26 October; her father, Edward, was a Congregationalist (Protestant "Independents") pastor there. She was the fifth of eight children, but only five of her siblings survived to adulthood. Prentiss taught a girls' school for two years in Portland and then moved to Richmond, Virginia, in 1840 to work at a girls' boarding school. Five years later she married George Prentiss, who later become a pastor of South Trinitarian Church in New Bedford, Massachusetts; the couple had six children and four survived to adulthood (two boys and two girls). She began publishing works after her marriage, and "Stepping Heavenward" was published in 1869. She was 60 when she died.

Books by Elizabeth Prentiss

Book Fun Values Age
Aunt Jane's Hero by Elizabeth Prentiss Good Clean 13+
The Flower of the Family by Elizabeth Prentiss Good Fairly Clean 13+
Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss Great Clean adult
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