
Author Spotlight

David McCullough (1933-)
David McCullough, a multi-award-winning author of nonfiction, was born in Pittsburgh, PA, as one of four sons born to parents Ruth and Christian Hax McCullough. He studied English at Yale University, where he fostered an enjoyment of research that led him to work for several magazines, such as "American Heritage." He also wrote his first book-length work, a history of one of the most catastrophic floods in American history, which was released in 1968 as "The Johnstown Flood" and received great praise. He continued to write on a wide variety of subjects; his most recent work (2011) is called "The Greater Journey" and deals with Americans who moved to Paris in the nineteenth century. McCullough and his wife, Rosalee, whom he met in Pittsburgh when he was seventeen, have five children and many grandchildren.

Books by David McCullough

Book Fun Values Age
John Adams by David McCullough Great Fairly Clean adult
Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough Great Fairly Clean adult
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