
God's Smuggler

by Brother Andrew
256 pages, Biography/History
Reviewed by Jeanne

A deeply moving read with excellent teachings and poignant suspense.


This is the true story of Brother Andrew, a Dutchman who has spent his life working for God in places where Christianity is forbidden by the government. It is the tale of his wayward youth, the powerful work of God in his life, and his trust in the sovereign God of the universe.


Men are all fallen beings and no one is perfect. This story follows Brother Andrew's ups and downs, the harshness of the Communist governments behind the Iron Curtain, and the lives of "ministers" working hand in glove with anti-Christian officials. However, the laws of morality applied by God in His Word are never ignored or brushed over.

Spiritual Content

Christianity is the theme of the entire narrative. The mercy of God in saving lost souls is obvious in practically every chapter, as well as His undying faithfulness toward believers. Brother Andrew preaches the Gospel as well as smuggling Bibles into oppressed countries, and there are other Christians present as well.


Andrew gets shot in a war; he has a pet monkey that is beaten up and stabbed. People who defy the government behind the Iron Curtain suddenly disappear, never to be seen again.

Drug and Alcohol Content

Before becoming a Christian, Andrew frequently drinks and smokes.

Sexual Content

The girl mentioned below who works with Andrew makes remarks about bestiality, and accuses another girl of sexual acts with Andrew. She is soundly silenced by Andrew at that point, however.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

A girl who works with Andrew in a factory is obviously crude, but her actual words are not recorded.


"God's Smuggler" portrays the life of a man who trusts God deeply throughout hardships. Miraculous deeds of God speckle the pages while Brother Andrew's mission of smuggling Bibles gives the story an air of suspense and adventure. Not just a dry theology, this tale teaches the reader a deeper trust and faith in God while carrying them through the text with never a dull spot to be found.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: adult

Review Rating:

Average rating: 5 stars
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