
My Child, My Princess

by Beth Moore
25 pages, Picture Book
Reviewed by Queen Aravis of Archenland

Good, short, and inspiring read.


When a king’s rebellious daughter disobeys her father’s wishes, his forgiveness and patience vividly remind readers of God’s unconditional love. Indeed, every child of God is a prince or a princess.


Good and bad are treated as such.

Spiritual Content

A character represents God but no one actually mentions God Himself.


A child falls out of a tree.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content

Some children make fun of another child; they also hit some people with spitballs.


This short story is a wonderful way to show that when we sin God chastens us and then when we confess he forgives us. A very likeable little book.

Fun Score: 4
Values Score: 4.5
Written for Age: 5-7

Review Rating:

Average rating: 4 stars
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