Enjoyable, allegorical children's fantasy with good messages.
In the Enchanted City, night is day and day is night. The Enchanter loves power, and hates that he can't control the sun. But with everything running on electricity, power-outs are very serious indeed. One of these power-outs enables two boys, recently orphaned, to escape the Burners and flee. They stumble into Great Park, where there is light and people speak freely of the King--even saying that they see him. Each of the dwellers in Great Park have their own doubts and struggles, but the love of the King shines through it all.
Very good. Most of the stories are about turning from wrong (pride, faithlessness, anger, etc.) to right (love, mercy, obedience, etc.).
Spiritual Content
While not strict allegory (more like parables), the King clearly is based on Jesus, while the Enchanter resembles Satan. The characters learn to love and trust the one, while resisting and fighting the other. The Enchanter has powers that are like magic. Hatchets with markings on them play a large part in the Great Park; they hum and are used to heal people, etc. There is a ring of Sacred Flame, in which one's true identity is revealed. Two characters have the gift of "seeing" while another controls nature to some extent.
It is stated that the Enchanter has all young children branded with his mark, and takes orphans to work for him in cruel conditions. Diseased or disabled people are thrown out of the city. There are some battles between the Burners and the King's men, in which people are injured. A girl is badly burned in a fight with a dragon.
Drug and Alcohol Content
Sexual Content
Crude or Profane Language or Content
Not staying strictly with Scarboy (whose name changes to Hero) and his brother, this book tells the stories of many of the inhabitants of Great Park. With beautiful imagery and thought-provoking lessons, Tales of the Kingdom is suitable for all ages. The original edition has colorful and imaginative illustrations as well.