
Josefina's Story Collection

by Valerie Tripp
Series: The American Girls Collection #
397 pages, Historical Fiction
Reviewed by Ariel_of_Narnia

Josefina's character and actions are commendable and her stories are good.


Note: This is a six-in-one series book covering the main Josefina Montoya stories: "Meet Josefina", "Josefina Learns a Lesson", "Josefina's Surprise", "Happy Birthday, Josefina!", "Josefina Saves the Day", and "Changes for Josefina".

Experience the life of a ten-year-old girl living on a New Mexico rancho in 1824.


Josefina and her family are very tight-knit and extremely caring and generous. They pull together in the hard times and work hard to maintain their livelihood. Josefina continuously acts as a peacemaker between her two middle sisters, is a responsible and uncomplaining worker, and owns up to her mistakes.

Spiritual Content

The Montoyas and everyone else in the village are Catholics. They go to church, say morning and evening prayers, have statues of saints, have "milagros" (charms to place with the saint-statues to ask for something that the milagro represents), and so on. During the Christmas celebrations (in which they recognize Christ's coming to Earth as a child), Mary is referred to as the "queen of Heaven" once. There isn't much information on what they pray or the theology they believe in; things such as "God willing", "God bless you", and "this is a gift from God" are common.


A girl is bitten by a rattlesnake.

Drug and Alcohol Content

It is briefly mentioned that some traders drink too much.

Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



Josefina Montoya is a girl of hope, love, and a heart for others, especially her family. She's a good example of various virtues and her stories are just as sweet.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 8-10

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