
Thomas and the Dragon Queen

by Shutta Crum
266 pages, General Fiction
Reviewed by bookRacoon

A nice knight's tale with dragons and chivalry.


Thomas, a small but brave squire, sets out on a journey to save the Princess Eleanor. From his troubles living in the castle, to his adventures and battles with creatures of the sea and harsh conditions, Thomas must face many obstacles before he can prevail.


Thomas does his best in all he does during his training to be a squire, and in his journey to become a knight and save the princess. Many people tease him for his shortness.

There are no real bad guys in this story, but rather obstacles that Thomas overcomes.

Spiritual Content

God is not a big part of this story.


Thomas gets pretty beat up living in the wind and rain, and his fights with a lake monster practically kill him.

Many knights as well as their horses die in battles against other kingdoms or monsters. Nothing is too gruesome, though, for this knights-in-armor tale.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



This was quite a nice book, the first I've read in a while about a brave knight saving a kind princess from a dragon. It has pretty nice twists in the story, and nothing is too violent.

Fun Score: 4
Values Score: 4
Written for Age: 11-12

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