An intriguing mystery with an underlying theme of trust.
Samantha Parkington and her adopted sister Nellie join their grandparents on a trip to Europe. Also on board is an archaeologist who has in his possession a precious sapphire. But then the Blue Star suddenly disappears. Samantha is determined to try to figure out who took the gem and where it's hidden.
Samantha and her Grandmary stoutly defend those supposedly "lower" than themselves, namely, Nellie (a former servant girl) and the girls' French tutor. Samantha decides to trust Nellie even if she doesn't know what secret the other girl is hiding (Nellie later trusts Samantha with her secret). She also gives another girl a measure of polite respect even though she strongly dislikes her. Grandmary and the Admiral look out for the girls' best interests. The archeologist points out the greed can ruin good people, and he is angered by injustice.
Spiritual Content
There is some mention of the superstition that the Blue Star brings bad luck on whomever possesses it. (The archaeologist does not believe it and Samantha barely considers it.)
Samantha is warned about the possibility of being swept off deck, never to be seen again, if she ventures out during rough weather. She also has a fear that someone may consider shoving her and Nellie into the ocean at one point.
Drug and Alcohol Content
Sexual Content
Crude or Profane Language or Content
No real problems. "Jiminy" is exclaimed a few times by Samantha. "Blasted" is said once.
Samantha's search for truth and her carefulness to consider every option are commendable. Her concern and care for other people are also good examples. It's a clean book with a good story.