
Meet Felicity: An American girl

by Valerie Tripp
Series: The American Girls Collection - Felicity #1
69 pages, General Fiction
Reviewed by Ariel_of_Narnia

The main character is a spunky girl, but not a very good example in this story.


Felicity Merriman is not your typical colonial girl. She's high-spirited with a will of her own, much like the mistreated copper-colored mare she longs to own. She befriends the horse and decides she must take action when it is certain she cannot have Penny.


Felicity comes from a good family, but her actions seem to say otherwise. She sneaks out before dawn every morning and even rides the horse, despite Jiggy Nye's threats and warnings about staying off his property. She lies about how her petticoats and garters got dirty and "borrows" a pair of breeches from the apprentice Ben. Once he learns her secret, Ben sides with her. Felicity's father tries to get her to see reason and defends her; on the other hand, some of his comforting words seem to contradict what he said earlier. Her final action is not only far too drastic, but illegal. On top of that, she justifies her actions.

Spiritual Content

Twice, it is made known that the Merrimans go to church.


Jiggy Nye ties, beats, and whips Penny. He also threatens to kill the horse and tan its hide. Penny seems to have scratched her leg once when she tried to jump the fence. Felicity falls off the horse twice (once intentionally).

Drug and Alcohol Content

Jiggy Nye is known for his rum consumption. Felicity and Ben pass a tavern.

Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content

The closest thing would be that Jiggy Nye calls Felicity a "chit" (meaning "an immature or disrespectful young woman") and that he utters the word "blasted".


Felicity is a sweet enough girl who isn't too hard to identify with. Her constant disobedience and consequent actions, however, are not commendable.

Fun Score: 3.5
Values Score: 2
Written for Age: 8-10

Review Rating:

Average rating: 5 stars
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