
Draven's Defiance

by Paul McCusker
Series: Passages #5
173 pages, Fantasy
Reviewed by Ariel_of_Narnia

Trust in trial + steadfastness in sorrow + boldness in danger = amazing values found in this book.


Note: This is an Adventures in Odyssey book.

Scott hits his head in a railway tunnel and wakes up in Marus, a world where time has stopped: nothing grows, no one ages, and the sun doesn't budge. Here, he meets a prophet who has a knack for escaping the monarchs who hate him. Scott teams up with this prophet and begins preparing for a life of ministry.


Few in Marus at this point in time are actually those we would call "good guys," but the few that exist pursue justice, lawfulness, and care for those around them. A man is said to have rescued a few hundred believers in the Unseen One. Scott has genuine concern for the people surrounding him, particularly Draven.

Spiritual Content

The Unseen One (Whom we know as God) is the driving Force behind the events of this story. His power is obviously superior to those of other beliefs. The prophet Draven has great confidence in the Unseen One and a few other characters, including Scott, are also believers. Draven tells Scott that it is disrespectful to call the works of the Unseen One "magic".

Scott constantly remembers that his parents always believed that God had him set apart for a special job and purpose; he believes this too.
The monarchs of Marus fight against the Unseen One and His chosen prophet the entire story. Many folk (including the "supreme commander") believe in science to be the answer to all their problems; the supreme commander's wife and her cohorts believe they can fix the world by "channeling energy" to one source. (Neither method works and Draven pokes fun at both for good measure.)


Scott hits his head in a railway tunnel. A girl bites a man's hand in self-defense. Scott, a woman, and a girl are all hit across the face; the girl falls, hits her head on some stairs, and dies. A house and a clock is machine-gunned and another property is burned. An underground bomb is reported to have caused a small earthquake in its area. A mob kills a man. Scott learns that torture was made a common punishment. In an attempt to "channel energy", people begin cutting their arms. These and others die strangely. The supreme commander's wife constantly wishes for Draven's death; she lunges at him with a knife once and she talks about having his teeth on a necklace at another point. The monarchs see their own deaths (via the Unseen One's power and monitors).

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content

While not "sexual," a bumbling henchman pulls Scott out of a bathtub and Scott consequently has an interview in a bathrobe.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

Nothing beyond the supreme commander's frequent exclamations of "by the two moons!"


This is a great adaptation of the story of Elijah. Paul McCusker's "other world" parallel is wonderfully detailed and quite accurate - that is, as accurate as you can get in a world including cars and TV screens. Readers should be familiar with the original account in the Bible before reading. This book contains great lessons we need to be reminded of.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 11-12

Review Rating:

Average rating: 5 stars
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