
Treasure in the Yukon

by Jerri Massi
Series: The Peabody Series #3
128 pages, Mystery
Reviewed by The Hermit

A story about traveling and doing the right thing.


Jack is invited to go with his Uncle Justin and his former bully Scruggs to hunt for stolen gold in the Yukon. The trip looks uneventful until someone begins to sabotage their supplies. Will they recover the stolen gold and will Jack be able to convince Scruggs that he has forgiven him?


Most of the main characters are good and try to help others. When the troublemakers do something wrong the writer generally explains why it is sinful. The good characters decide not to keep any gold they find that was originally stolen.

Spiritual Content

Some main characters pray and read their Bible. One character gives his testimony.


In self defense, a hornet's nest is dropped on top of the bad guys. One character gets punched in the stomach and starts quoting poetry in his sleep. Gun shots are fired and people are knocked out and kidnapped. Violence is not described graphically.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



Jack was a detective in a former story and this book is told from his viewpoint. There are a few regionalisms which could be considered grammatical errors. The author does a good job balancing the story and does not put extreme tension at the end of chapters. This book is enjoyable to read.

Fun Score: 3.5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 11-12

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