
No Promises in the Wind

by Irene Hunt
184 pages, Historical Fiction
Reviewed by Violet Fire Krazed

Great read, some violence.


Set during the Great Depression, Josh tries to be a big brother, a protector, and a father figure to his little brother Joey. They are faced with danger, hard choices, and life on the road, but they make friends that help them along the way.


This is a clean book, and the characters are lovable because they stick to their moral compass no matter what happens.

Spiritual Content

None. The children don't really go to church, but neither are they heathens.


Some. The main characters are not violent people, but the people they run into are. For instance, the children, while trying to jump onto a moving train, have one of there comrades swept onto the tracks. It isn't graphically written, it is just the subtle knowledge that the boy died.

Drug and Alcohol Content

There is some alcohol content, but in those days almost everybody drank, so you could excuse it as part of the times.

Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



This has become my favorite book. I read it for school and never thought that it would be so interesting. Once I picked it up, I found that I could barely put it down.

Fun Score: 4.5
Values Score: 4
Written for Age: 13+

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Violet Fire Krazed This review is brought to you by Violet Fire Krazed.
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