
Sweet Dreams

by Robin Jones Gunn
Series: Christy Miller #11
148 pages, Romance
Reviewed by White Rose

A nice story of love and letting go to follow God.


It's the end of senior year, and Christy is busier than ever with finals coming up. Things are also tenser than ever between her and Katie over Katie dating Michael, and nothing Christy has tried in the last year to help patch things between them has worked. When Katie suddenly breaks up with Michael, because she knew that's what God wanted her to do, Christy feels just as bad because she can't do anything about the hurting her friend feels. Thankfully Christy has Todd there to help her realize that, sometimes, in order to show the most love and support to a person you really love, you have to let them go. But will Christy be able to do just that, even though it will hurt, when it comes to Todd?


Moral standards are held very high.

Spiritual Content

A lot of prayer, worship, and Bible reading as most of the characters are Christians.



Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content

A few innocent kisses, nothing more.

Crude or Profane Language or Content



When you truly love someone, and they are called to do something, but they don't want to do what they are called to because of a lot of nice things in their lives that they don't want to give up, it can be very hard. Especially when one of those things is a relationship. The author shows, in this book, that, even when it hurts, letting go of the person you love in order to let them live their calling is not only right but the greatest gift you can give them. The way the story is told draws you in, and you really feel sorry for Katie and Christy.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 4.5
Written for Age: 13+

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