
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

by C.S. Lewis
Series: The Chronicles of Narnia #5
256 pages, Fantasy
Reviewed by Jeanne

A fun, light read with strong Christian teaching and deep allegories.


Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, along with their bratty cousin Eustace Scrubb, are pulled through a painting and back into Narnia to join Caspian on his quest to search to the Far Eastern Sea for the seven missing lords.


Eustace is quite the pest at the beginning of the story, and a significant side plot is about how he is reformed. Edmund is not always patient with his cousin, but Lucy is still kind to him despite his scorn for her. Any and all selfish, jealous, or greedy behavior is corrected, and the line between what is right and what is wrong is never blurred.

Spiritual Content

There are many parallels to Christianity throughout the book, especially at the end. Aslan, representing Christ, shows up many times, and once takes the shape of a lamb (as in the Lamb of God); Coriakin, a star come to rest on one of the islands, uses magic to repair the broken stern of the Dawn Treader.


Several of the characters are kidnapped on one of the islands, the Dawn Treader is attacked by a sea serpent, and a fierce quarrel is mentioned. Jousting is also mentioned briefly. Characters are also threatened and taken captive by invisible enemies on one island.

Drug and Alcohol Content

One or two glancing references to wine and mead, as these beverages are consumed regularly on board the ship.

Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



This is a very good, moral book. The action is appealing especially to younger children, but the spiritual parallels grow more apparent the older the reader.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 8-10

Review Rating:

Average rating: 5 stars
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