
Kate's Choice

by Louisa May Alcott
60 pages, General Fiction
Reviewed by niennasiblings

Innocent and sweet book that encourages godly character.


Rich, orphaned Katy has come to America to live with her relatives. Each of her business-minded uncles and fashion-loving aunts wants her for their family, but the choice she makes surprises them all and reminds them of what is really important.


Kate is portrayed as a very caring and loving girl. Through the book, character traits are nurtured and appreciated. Right and wrong are clearly defined as such.

Spiritual Content

Certain characters thank God for things, and say "God bless you", and the like. Christ-like character is encouraged.



Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



This book wraps together innocence, godly character, and a cheerful plot into a delightful little story. The characters are lovable, the dialogue sweet and pure, and the setting pleasant.

Fun Score: 4
Values Score: 4.5
Written for Age: 8-10

Review Rating:

Average rating: 4 stars
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